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2023/2024 Benefactor PLUS Pass

Included Events

The Addams Family

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2023/2024 Benefactor PLUS Pass

• FIRST CHOICE of 8 (total) RESERVED seats • PLUS 4 (total) Preview Party Passes

Would you like to support the Jackson Theatre Guild with an additional donation?
Jessie Byrum was a founding member of The Jackson Theatre Guild in 1965. Since then, our non-profit, community theatre has continued to grow stronger and more relevant to the quality of life in our community. Jessie was a mentor, teacher, and director to countless people throughout his lifetime. We all remain forever grateful to him and the dream he brought to life for us all to enjoy. Jessie's family has requested that donations honor his legacy by benefitting The Jackson Theatre Guild.

The Jackson Theatre Guild is a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization that promotes, encourages, and supports quality theatrical productions, the arts, and the educational aspects of theatre in Jackson, TN, and its surrounding areas. We have been a fixture of the Jackson community since 1965, bringing beloved stories and new favorites to the stage. There are many ways to participate: acting, production crew, backstage crew, ushering, costuming, set building and painting, audience members, and of course, financially. Your generous contributions make the magic on stage possible, fostering creativity and uniting our community!

Thank you for supporting the Jackson Theatre Guild!

#Ordinary people. Extraordinary shows.

Make this a monthly donation.

You are authorizing a payment to The Jackson Theatre Guild, Inc. in the amount you entered above. This amount will be paid to the The Jackson Theatre Guild, Inc. each month on the same day of the month using the credit card you will provide in the next step.

You can change or cancel a recurring donation anytime.

After clicking Continue, you have 10 minutes to complete your order. If your order requires payment, please have your credit card available before continuing.

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For information, please contact (731) 427-3200

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